Monday, January 11, 2010

A night on the Campaign Trail

Well, I went tonight to the Candidates forum for the 11th Congressional District of California. These were the Republican Candidates who are competing for the Primary.
Most impressive was David Harmer, a lawyer who has worked for the Heritage Foundation. There were also three other candidates who were in the "good" category. They all emphasized that our government pulling our nation into financial disaster and toward Socialism.
Their remarks were well received from the audience, which was mostly conservative.

Looks like I be getting involved with Mr. Harmer's campaign.

Our new blogspot

Yes, the family of Stewart and Sandra Easton are starting a blog, mostly to bring together a lot of our family posts we receive that we want to share with others. Samantha wondered if watching the movie, 'Julie and Julia' inspired me to start this. I don't have such a unique idea prompting me on. Its a new year and a new endeavor.